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Here we've got Phouka, Anamorphic, and Cowboy Greg (Melin and Wrenchr are hiding).


The food was great, the company was great, and the naked harem girls who were dancing around were great.  Strangely, though, I'm the only one who saw them... and the camera didn't pick them up... how weird...


Ah, here they are... Anamorphic, Wrenchr, and Melin... and off in the distance is Phouka (and others).


The back of Esprix's shirt.  He's a swell guy, and he sure goes the extra mile.


Johnny being a tad daunted by the task before him... Eat it, Johnny!


I'm sure everyone is disappointed to hear about the lack of an orgy, but we were in public... did you know that sex in public is frowned upon?  Where did THAT law come from?


Here's Esprix, relating his days as a fighter pilot in WWI.


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