SDMB Comic Book

Preliminary sketches... enjoy!

The Good Guys


The Ever-Present Coldfire, slayer of trolls and clogger of clogs.


The very loverly TechChick, genius with computers and professional Pit-Queen.


Co-Mod of MPSIMS and chugger of beer, he don't take no guff from nobody.


Despite his less-than-angelic moniker, Satan's always managed to keep ignorance at bay.

The Bad Guys


A twisted individual bent on spreading ignorance, all in the name of research.

Serlin's loyal assistant, his intelligence capacity is so low, ignorance thrives around him.


Serlin's army of battledroids, that he bought at Toys B We.

Serlin's capital starship, which he uses as his headquarters.  Over 1500 meters long and ready for war...


Soon... these two sides will clash, and the result will be...

The Ignorance Wars!

(This preview brought to you, in part, by boredom)

Oh no, Don Ho!