The Stuff That I Write

I write many things for many reasons.  Sometimes I'm angry about something, sometimes I'm depressed, sometimes I just feel like pointing something out to the public.  A couple of these writings have already gotten me into trouble, with my friends, no less.  I sure hope I get a good chunk of public outcry from you little people. 

WARNING:  I get a bit depressing at times.

If you don't want to do a lot of reading, check out my Random Writings section.


Fads, 'n Computers-   This is a piece that points out the flaws in many of the current trends of the computer industry, and whines about how easily people are yanked around by pretty-looking things.  Also, it was written some time ago; I don't know how accurate the information would be today.


Religion is a Disease-  A rather bitter piece proclaiming my disgust of obsessive religious faith.


Why holidays aren't holidays-   Written a little before Halloween '99; a ranting about how commercialized holidays have become, and a suggestion on how to fix things.


A time when I lost it-   Ever wonder what goes on inside a person's mind when he just completely loses it?   I happened to have an emotional breakdown while sitting at my computer, and this was the result.


Essence of Luck-  A rather whiny piece about born winners and born losers, with one of my vague suicidal allusions at the end.


There-  A short, incorrect-grammar piece about how you can never get there, no matter where there is.


TRIP!!!-  One of my favorite forms of writing, a bad-grammar-run-on-sentence kind of splurging that I simply call a "Trip", since it makes as much sense as reality does while one is busy with some PCP.  By the way... I was completely sober when I wrote this, I swear on my mother's grave (though she's not dead yet).


Intertwination- Probably one of my best works tracing the development of human emotion, and how feelings and moods are all intertwined (hence, the name).


I Think... But WE Don't- A sort of explanation of my anti-social introverted side.  It also delves into my theory that People Are Stupid... an individual can be smart, but multiple individuals begin getting dumber and dumber, the larger the group gets.  This one happened to anger a lot of people.


Friend of Convenience- Paranoia has gotten the better of me... after a year or so of deliberation, I finally wrote down what I wanted to get at.  I'm scared of this piece, actually, because of what it might mean, and how some people might react to it... but at the same time, I found its creation necessary.


My Tunnel- This actually should be titled "My Happy Place", but that sounded too cheesy.   Anyway... oh, just read the damn thing, I don't want to explain it.  It's really just another random slice of Brain Pie.


Jeff or SPOOFE?- I have this sick attachment to my pseudo-name.  Its' origin is all layed out here.  I don't think anyone alive has heard the whole story until now.


"The Meaning of Life" - One of the essays I wrote for my Philosophy class, dealing with (surprise!) the Meaning of Life.


Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... - Ah, the Christmas season.  The holiday spirit of "Gimme!"  Here're some ponderings on that notion.


A Whole-Hearted Attempt To Satisfy The Second Amendment - Strangely (to some, anyway), my views on guns are surprisingly conservative.  Here's some blatherings on how I think guns should be dealt with in society.


I'm An Abrasive, Arrogant Bastard - Heck, everyone's got some foibles. Mine are just a tad more troubling than some.


Notes of an Overworked Techie - The Wizard of Oz is an American classic, but for me, it's an absolute nightmare. Here's why.


Why I Don't Like Politics - I love watching the political landscape as it heaves and shifts, but sometimes, sometimes, it just annoys me to the high heavens.



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